Commune Hakko Cafe & Bar

This cafe & bar offers authentic Japanese delicacy with local Teshima ingredients and “fermented rice (rice mold=koji)” seasonings such as Miso, Amazake (sweeten rice mold), Shio-koji (salted rice mold) and Shoyu-koji (soy sauce rice mold) etc. Alcohol line-up from Japan is quite various, Japanese sake from Kagawa, Japanese craft gin, Japanese whisky and more. It locates 5 mins from Karato port and in between Les Archives du Cœur and Llobet & Pons.

Closed Not scheduled
Business Hours Pls check the opening calendar on Instagram
Menu Seasonal Amazake Smoothies ¥550
Organic coffee from Northern Thailand ¥500
Organic Lemonade from til, Teshima ¥500
Amazake (Sweeten rice mold) Brownie ¥350
Teshima vegetable dish with koji ¥400
Japanese Sake from Kagawa ¥750~
Koji craft beer (gluten free) ¥700~
Japanese craft gin ¥700~ and more.
Seats 9 seats
Parking Lot Availability Available
Contact Information 050-7119-8036
Address 2644 Teshimakarato, Tonosho-cho, Shozu-gun, Kagawa
5 minute walk from Karato Port (Pick-up service from Ieura port is available)