This is a private vacation rental located in the Ieura Oka area.
Please relax and enjoy the island time in a comfortable space that focuses on natural materials.

Closed Irregular holidays
Check-in 15:00
Check-out 10:00
Price Starting from 17,000 yen
(up to 4 people. Additional charges for 3 or more extra guests).
Rooms 1 bedroom, 1 Japanese-style room, 1 sofa room, 1 dining room.
Meals Room only (no meals included).
Bath Shower only.
Amenities Towel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hair dryer, refrigerator, toaster oven, electric kettle microwave, and more.
Reservation method Airbnb(for entire house)
Address 2034, Ieura, Teshima.
URL Instagram: